My thoughts






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My thoughts



This page will be dedicated to whatever topics bother me. All of these are opinions of my own, and things which my whole heart can agree on. First off, a topic I came across today.


So many women have had an abortion or abortions. They say it's the "right of the mother to abort their baby, after all, it's their body." I don't agree. Are not we all supposed to have "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"? here in the U.S.A.? What happens to the baby's life? Why should the mother have anything at all to say about if the baby should live or not?

What about liberty? The freewill to grow up and think and do as he/she pleases? Does the mother actually have a say in whether or not the baby's life should go on or should be stopped?

Pursuit of happiness. If a mother decides to kill the baby, what can it pursue? Nothing.

Some say we are overpopulated already, if someone wants to end a life, then that's just one more human that isn't taking up space. God said, "Be fruitful, and multiply" He did not say, "Be fruitful and multiply, but only to a certain extent. And if you get over populated, kill your children to make more room."

I have heard and I have also joined in the conversation. People on one side will say "But what if that child would have been evil?" Or on the other, "What if he was the next Einstein?" Does it really matter? Didn't God give him life? Of course He did! Whether good, whether bad, God gave him that life and his own freewill. Who are we to make judgment when we don't know the future?

I have also heard "But the baby will be deformed." How does that fit into play? So, because the baby is deformed he should be killed? What about all the people who are in accidents? Who are blind or who have lost limbs or perhaps have brain damage. Should those die too? Is that really a good enough excuse?

In cases of rape, which, being a woman, I can only imagine to be horrible and terrifying. But does two wrongs make a right? Should one human's evil, bring evil on the innocent helpless child? Does the conception of the child, being rape, make it acceptable to kill?

Others say, "Well, it's legal, so whatever the mother decides is her decision." Does that make it not wrong? Christians, I urge you, whatever happened to "Thou shalt not kill"? Or perhaps, as I have heard so many times. "I don't want another child right now." Does her not wanting a child, make the child inhuman?

In case of the mother's health, if she was so ill that it might kill her, the baby or both, I say, God's will be done. I do not think we should "play God" and decide on our own limited knowledge how things will turn out. I honestly, honestly think it's a terrible shame to America to lawfully kill a human which God has given life to.

Some people will actually argue that up to a certain amount of weeks, it's not actually a human, but a mass of cells. Every human MUST have a starting point. A begining, if you will, and grow as the years progress. We all have had our begining, being a child in our mother's womb. We did not come out as apes, or inhuman. We are all human, from the very begining, as God intended. From the moment God intended for a child to exist, it existed. We do not evolve from a mass of cells, to somewhat human, then to full human. We are human from conception, the way God planned it.

May I remind people, that not too long ago, people thought that blacks were apes/not quite human, so they could be kept as slaves. Or that women were less than men. Or jews, they were thought of as infeirior and worthless, deserving to die. In all cases, we have come out for the better. I pray this also, we shall come out of. We are all equal, from conception, no matter the colour, the gender, or what stage of life we are at.

Those are my thoughts.



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