Guinea facts





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Hello, I hope you enjoy these pictures.

Guineas are fun and curious. They love to hunt down insects as well as wild grass seeds.    
They are nice creatures, I've never had one try to harm me, unlike my big rooster who stalks me at any given moment. A guinea female will be aggressive however, if she has had little keets. She will try to protect them by flying at your face and scratching/pecking as hard as she can. This is usually very painful. My advice? Leave guinea females with keets, alone.

Guineas do quite well in the cold. With our record snow last winter, I could see their hardiness. A few time the guineas flew into trees, and would not get out for anything. And thus, they spent the night out in the freezing cold, and the snow piling on their backs. 

They don't mind being in close quarters with chickens. At least mine don't. They run around in little gangs of seven or so. Eating the bugs in our garden, and acting very cute.


I love watching them outside the window, I think they have a very sweet face. They make beautiful noises, and yes, they are a bit loud. However, I quite like the sound God gave them.

Last winter, I shoveled big pathways for my chickens and guineas. This way, they could get out of the chicken barn, stretch and get a drink of water out of the creek. They enjoyed this greatly, and so did I. They loved going through the little mazes I made, and seeing if they could find special hidden food.

Guineas mate for life. They start pairing off in the spring, and going in little pairs. Sometimes if there are too many males or females, a pair may allow them into their group. Thus having either two females and one male, or two males, and one female. However, the odd ball will be picked on, as if the pair is saying "We're only allowing you to stay because you're alone. So, don't get comfortable."

Our guinea hens go broody alot. I have read that alot of people say guinea hens are not good mothers. This is false, at least in my case. They are wonderful mothers, and care for their young deeply. However, there is more danger for guineas because they like to make their nest outside. Nine guinea hens have went broody this year so far. Four have been destroyed, four have made it out all right, and the one still has a week left to go.



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