Chickens are always fun on the farm. They run around, scratch, and generally are very cute. My chickens are no exception~! They're very fun to watch as well as be around.

This is Buffy, the rooster who terrorizes me. He personally escorts me to and from the house each time I come out. He's constantly trying to spur me or peck me. Although he's a major pain, I still like him. He's good to his hens, which you can see in this picture. He's always looking out for them.

This is Blackie, our beautiful Black Gaint Jersey! She's much more vocal than the other hens, except quite possible for the leghorn.

This is Speckled, our pretty hen.

This is the Leghorn which we call Little White. Along with Red Blotch, our handsome reddish Silkie Bantie. Red Blotch is our wonderful rooster, he's ever so sweet, will let you pick him up, eat out of your hand, and he's never tried to hurt us. 

This little ball of fluff is called Dig dug, after the game Dig Dug for all those who know of it. He's sweet but skittish around humans. He's trying to be a bit more dominant lately.

This guy was named Bubbles because of his bubbly comb. He was a very mean rooster, however he has since changed his ways for the better. 

This is Guile, named after Guile in Street Fighter. Something about his rose comb reminds me of Guile's haircut, so thus was he named.

Here are some of our newest arrivals~! Born not too long ago by Mrs. Broody. They are doing very well indeed.